The parent evening from JOS region Lekstroom (youth and parent support centre of Profi Pendi- primary education partnership and VO South Utrecht partnership) place.
Noëlle Pameijer spoke at this evening on the theme of positive collaboration with the school. There was a lot of attention and space for personal questions, perceptions and experiences, nice to learn from and with each other!
During the parent evening on positive collaboration, parents were given useful tips. Below are the two tips described as most useful by parents:
TIP 1:
The first tip is about talking to your child about school. It is better not to ask immediately after school what your child did. Wait for a while and ask at a later time, for instance during dinner or another activity. Also tell something about your day and ask pointed questions such as: "What letter did you learn today?", "How was history class?" or "What did you do while playing outside?".
TIP 2:
The second tip is about what you can do if you have concerns but the school does not recognise these concerns. Sometimes, as a parent, you are afraid to interfere too much in school matters. You can solve this by saying that you don't want to sit in the school's chair, but that you have concerns and want to talk about them. That way, parents and school can work together to find a solution.
If you are interested in the information given on this evening, please contact us: